This post is part of the Sunday Setlist Blog Carnival.

Memorial Day weekend had me headed up McMinnville, TN way to lead worship for Christ Community. How pleasantly surprised my drummer and I were when we stepped out of our car. “There are no cicadas here!” Karlton said in response to the throbbing sensation in our ears otherwise known as silence. Sure enough. Neither a chirp or a carcass.

There were some other good points of the day too [ha!]. I was able to bring the husband and wife team of Steve and Brenda Morley, in addition to my faithful drummer Karlton Scott, and Jeff Wilson on bass. Steve plays keyboards and his wife plays … “hippie winds.” On this day, that meant penny whistle. (I’ve also known her to play Native American flute and various recorders). Steve also played melodica. Between Brenda’s whistle and Karlton’s marching snare cadence, it wasn’t quite fife and drum, but pretty darn close. Very nice for Memorial Day Sunday. Here’s what we did:

  • A New Hallelujah (Smith, Smith, & Baloche). I used Paul Baloche’s recording for reference and took some liberties with the lyric for Memorial Day (e.g. “the nation” for “the nations” and “America sings a new song” for “All the world sings a new song”).
  • Your Love Never Fails (McClarney & Skinner).
  • God of this City (Boyd, McCann, Jordan, Comfort, Kernaghan, and Bleakley). Again, tried to focus it on McMinnville and the USA by changing the lyric “You’re the King of these people” to “You’re the King of our people.”
  • Come Thou Fountain (Riggs & Pubic Domain). This is my arrangement and the reason I brought Brenda. Most of the song was a simple trio with melodica, whistle, and myself. Turned out very nice, if I do say so myself.

Hope you had a great one!


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