This post is part of the Sunday Setlist blog carnival.

My friend Aynsley Martingdale is the Music Leader for The Table at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Nashville. The Table is the name for their alternative worship service. It still follows the classic Anglican order of worship and a weekly celebration of the Eucharist, yet also incorporates contemporary music in an acoustic setting.

I was asked to play the keyboard. My friends Karlton Scott played cajon and auxiliary percussion, John Brooks played electric bass, and Rob Higginbotham played  acoustic and classical guitar. Aynsley carried the lead vocals while the Rev. Sarah Kerr and myself sang backup.

This was my third time playing at this service and I’m still getting my head around their liturgy and when I’m supposed to play what. When you play at The Table you must be able to weave Hillsong, Dottie Rambo, and Godfrey Birtill seamlessly with their traditional service music (e.g. Sanctus, Doxology). You never know just what you’ll play, but it makes it great fun. I particularly enjoyed the Dottie Rambo song set to the tune of “Danny Boy.” It’s always an honor to be a part of the fabulous worship team and good folks of St. George’s.

The Service

  1. Mighty to Save (Morgan / Fielding)
  2. From the Inside Out (Joel Houston)
  3. Forever (Chris Tomlin)
  4. Opening prayer and Old Testament reading
  5. Your Grace is Enough (Matt Maher)
  6. Gospel Reading
  7. Message
  8. Prayer, confession, and the passing of peace
  9. Announcements
  10. Offertory —He Looked Beyond My Fault (Dottie Rambo, to the tune of “Londonberry Air,” i.e. “Danny Boy”)
  11. Doxology (to the tune of All Creatures of Our God and King)
  12. Prayer
  13. Sanctus
  14. Communion
  15. When I Look at the Blood (Godfrey Birtill — if you don’t know this song, you should check it out right now)
  16. Prayer
  17. Great is Thy Faithfulness (hymn)
  18. Walk-out — Mighty to Save
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