Photo Credit: The New York Times

I’m the kind of guy who needs substantial wind-down time to end my day. I found long ago that movies, television, and anything on my computer or iDevice is too stimulating for the task. What works for me is book-reading. I have to be careful with bedtime books, because while I want it to be well-written and interesting, I don’t want it to feel too urgent. I’ve often broken this rule in nights past, but I’ve found that the more stressful my life is, the less important I need these books to be.

David Sedaris’ Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls fits this bill quite nicely. Quirky, witty, and laugh-out-loud funny, this collection of essays are short, oddball tales of family, travel, and pop culture. I’ve been listening to Sedaris for a while on This American Life, my favorite podcast where he is frequently featured. I believe this is the best way to be introduced to Sedaris, since the ability to hear his, “pleasingly strange voice” in your imagination only heightens the enjoyment.

*Hear David Sedaris speak on This American Life.

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