2016 was the fourth year in a row of financial growth for Riggs Creative Services!

2012 – 2016 RCS Gross Income

I’ve just begun my year-end chores for 2016. I was thrilled to discover that last year was the fourth year in a row of financial growth for Riggs Creative Services. And last year’s gross income grew 27% over 2015. Riggs Creative encompasses my performing arts career and includes acting, singing, worship leading, and support services such as making audition videos for other actors.

I find it helpful to look at things a year in review because the emotional and financial challenges on a monthly basis can be intense – just ask my wife. On second thought, don’t. But I’m pleased that there is growth and things are headed in the right direction.

One thing I did in 2016 was to track my auditions for the first time. I’ve built quite the spreadsheet that has the date, project type (e.g. commercial, feature film), casting director, and more. There is so little in my control in the casting process that I found it helpful to have something I could control and manage. One of the first things you learn in this business is that after you leave an audition room, you have to let it go. You must be unconcerned about the outcome (i.e. booking the job). The next thing you learn is that this is much easier said than done, but I found the simple act of data entry about the audition gives me a sense of closure. It’s funny, but I feel like once the information is in my spreadsheet, the job is complete. And in a way, it is.

The wild monthly financial roller coaster as an artist entrepreneur. Not for the faint of heart.


Over to you. If you freelance, especially as a performing artist, what tricks have you learned to help you stay on top of the business side of things?